The Generation Forest
Conception, design and illustration of merchandise for The Generation Forest.

Green Impact Investing
The Generation Forest is a climate protection cooperative that uses its members' investments to reforest CO2-absorbing multi-generation forests in Panama and enables a return on investment through the subsequent selective and sustainable extraction of tropical timber.
My idea was to show the cycle of investment into these forests in a charming and humorous way. The ants represent the cooperative, which gives its investment to the tropical forest, symbolized by a large coin. A jaguar that deals in seedlings passes them on to other animals in the forest. The seedling is then planted, garlanded, watered and cared for until it grows into a small tree. The tree grows bigger and bigger until it finally returns the multiplied investment in the form of banknotes. In the background we see numerous animals that are native to Panama.
There are also three individual motifs printed in single-color outlines on shirts with witty little headlines that pay tribute to the work of The Generation Forest. Socks and caps are also currently in production to complete the collection.