Hi, my name is Moritz Winkels. I’m an Art Director, Illustrator and Designer living in Hamburg. I see myself as a visual storyteller who loves to create messages through a combination of graphic design and mostly illustration. Always with a little wink in it. Get it? Wink … Winkels. Genius!


Clients & Commissions arrow

Henkel, Licher, Ferrero duplo, Eko Fresh, Focus Features, Old Man Saxon, Segmüller, The Generation Forest, Tchibo, Eduscho, WWU Münster, Überground, Jako-O, Holy Energy, Gesunde Erde – Gesunde Menschen …


Awards arrow


Auszeichnung // ADC TALENT AWARD 2024 für „MO WINKELS – THE MOVIE“

Ehrenauszeichnung // WEBBY AWARDS 2023 für „MO WINKELS – THE MOVIE“

3. Platz // WDR Kinderrechtepreis 2020



Features arrow


Interview // 1Live 2021                               2880px-WDR_1LIVE_Logo_2016.svg

Feature // IT’S NICE THAT 2020              

                                                                                        its nice that logo


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if you ask nice, I might give it to you 🙂


Top Secret


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@mo_winkels on Instagram

@mowinkels on YouTube

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